Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Learning to be a "Professional."

Just a quick vent...

I'm learning that in order to be a professional today, one must do the following:
a.) copy every boss you have on every e-mail you send to colleagues, even when they reply to only you...you must copy everyone on in the world on your "thank you" response.
b.) never do any important (or unimportant work) via the phone. This method of communication is not trackable, therefore, there is not CYA capabilities through it.
c.) if all else fails, just bend over.

I am so frustrated today by people who are just being nasty. I work with a group of people who live by example (a.) listed above. And, they demand things from me knowing I am on mandatory furlough (which equals illegal to work during that day...by LAW) to be turned in to them early the morning of my return. When I try and accommodate them and end up not sending the right file from my smart phone and my bed (I don't go into work until 9. Deal with it.) they respond to the world that I am wrong, ignorant and obviously not worthy of a place in the world. Not a good way to start the day.

Then, the boss....who in a meeting I am not in, denies that I ever told him something extremely important. Reason for point (b.) above. EVEN THOUGH he mentioned this important fact in meetings the next two days....I never told him. OMG.

So, that brings me to point (c.) I can either fight every single battle (because every battle seems worthy to me.) or, I can just bend over and continue to take it.

Will it get me any further in life to fight these battles? Will it make me more desirable for a job I apply for to put on my resume "will fight to be right"? I don't think so.

I don't understand which class in college teaches strong arming your co-workers. A** H*le 101: how to be a male organ on the job. Maybe I missed that one at PU.

Most of all, why are people like that allowed and encouraged to be that way? I realize that the world isn't a beautiful puffy cloud filled place where people do what's right just because, but come on!

I think I will sit in my office with the lights off for the rest of the day and think about ways I can ethically conquer these bastards.

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