While I know this is not a huge deal to most people (it's not a monumental age like 30, 50, 100) but to me, every birthday is a big deal.
Some people choose to reflect during Christmas or New Years, or, not at all. I choose to reflect on and around my birthday, after all, it is the anniversary of my LIFE so it seems appropriate to me.
I tend to reflect on things like where am I in life? Where did I think I'd be at this age in life? What have I learned this year, and what do I still have to learn? Where am I on my goals?
I kind of take my own temperature on life and living. I try and do it around my birthday because usually I am in a good mood so the results won't end up a cynical as I can sometimes make them throughout the year, but they are still true.
This year, I grew up a lot.
This year, I had a lot of success and in turn, grew a lot professionally and personally.
I ran a half marathon! That is something I will never forget. It was amazing to have my mom there cheering me on the whole way too. It brings tears to my eyes just going back there now...

I also asked for, created a proposal for, and received a promotion. That was a HUGE thing professionally for me, and personally as well....learning that I could stand up for myself and my worth made me believe it more.
I celebrated my niece's first birthday and loved every second of it!I started graduate school!!! After four years of no studying, reading boring textbooks, and sitting in class, I'm back at it. Look out world! Here I come!
Mixed in with all of the wonderful things that I accomplished or experienced this year, I also experienced great sadness this year.
In February, my grandma died.
She and I had such a wonderful relationship. She used to fix me breakfast before school and watch me walk up the block to school. At 3 p.m., she'd be waiting for me on the front porch as I walked back down the street. We went to get our nails done on Tuesdays in the summer and then would have lunch after our appointment like big time ladies.
She was pretty sick later in life, but I always went to see her when I was home. The last time I saw her, she just kept telling me how beautiful I was. I'll never forget that.
Not long after grandma died, grandpa got his wish of being with her again. He and I used to dance together. He wasn't a very good student though. After school I would get out the chalkboard and teach him everything I learned that day. He would get the answers wrong (on purpose, I think!) just so that I could correct him. Then, we would go and play outside. He'd "filler up" when we played gas station on my bike and he would laugh and hit his knees.
All he wanted to do was go and be with grandma again. Who could blame him for loving so much?
Life is an interesting thing. Sometimes, you think you know everything, and have all of the answers. Then, you start to realize that instead of answers, all you really have is questions.
I am eagerly asking questions these days. And the scary part about that is that I am actually listening to the answers. Even the ones I don't want to hear.
As I experience my 27th year, I have no idea what to expect. All I can hope is that I will continue to be a questioner. That I will continue to look for other ways around life's challenges. And even more than all of that, when I get where I've always wanted to be, I hope I won't just accept that place....I hope that I will take a mental picture and say, "ok, what's next?"